Saturday, September 03, 2005

Out and about this saturday

Well world up 10.00 had refreshing sleep..breakfast of eggs bacon strong coffee toast..cleaned house ..i hate that..went on puter..copied photos to disk for my main terrible 2's...listened to scotland italy..should have won..went for walk with bart and twins and ang and sharon..was a great evening..all very sensible lol...but a good day..

Pondering the meaning of life Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 02, 2005

Starting Up

First post is always the hardest...what do you write down..mind goes blank..but then again the fingers type on the keyboard and in no time the page is filling up.
Not sure where this will lead me..but I will put my words down and see what comes out out.

Saturday 12.25 pm ..been a good day...I like my life and what I have

Went to beach with Bart.

That will do me lmao..hope more inspired next time